Feel-good muffins 可口松饼
Cook 25 mins Prep 10 mins
Nutrition per serving
【Feel-good muffins 可口松饼】478 kcalories, protein 8.0g, carbohydrate 66.0g, fat 22.0g, saturated fat 2.0g, fibre 2.0g, salt 0.66g
Ingredints(serves 8)
- 175 g self-raising flour 自发粉
- 50 g porridge oats 燕麦片
- 140 g light muscovado sugar 黑砂糖
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon 肉桂粉
- ? tsp bicarbonate of soda 小苏打(碳酸氢钠)
- 1 egg, beaten 生鸡蛋
- 150 ml ? pint buttermilk 黄油牛奶
- 1 tsp vanilla extract 香草炼乳
- 6 tbsp sunflower oil 葵花油
- 175 g stoned prunes, chopped 李子(切碎)
- 85 g pecans 山核桃
1.Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6/fan 180C. Butter 6-8 muffin tins or line them with muffin cases. Put the flour, oats, sugar, cinnamon and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl, then rub everything through your fingers, as if making pastry, to ensure the ingredients are evenly blended.
预热烤箱(上下火200度或风扇180度) 。 在松饼的模子上涂上黄油或用松饼纸排列好 。 拿一大碗,放入面粉,燕麦片,糖,肉桂粉和小苏打,均匀搅拌,使其变成油酥的面团 。 (粘稠状)
2.Beat the egg, then stir in the buttermilk, vanilla and oil. Lightly stir the egg mix into the flour.
打蛋,加入黄油牛奶,香草炼乳和葵花油搅拌 。 并把蛋液搅拌地倒入之前准备好的面团中,再次搅拌 。 一定要混合均匀
3.Fold the prunes and nuts into the mixture.
4.Divide between the tins, filling the cases to the brim, then bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and golden. Serve warm or cold.
钟,观察松饼膨起并呈金黄色 。
取出完成,也可稍势冷却 。
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