Chicken amp; orange salad 香橙鸡肉色拉

Chicken & orange salad 香橙鸡肉色拉

Chicken amp; orange salad 香橙鸡肉色拉


Cook 15 mins
【Chicken amp; orange salad 香橙鸡肉色拉】 Nutrition per serving
572 kcalories, protein 45.0g, carbohydrate 19.0g, fat 36.0g, saturated fat 5.0g, fibre 10.0g, salt 0.3g

Serves 2
  • 150 g pack green beans, trimmed 150克青豆
  • 1 fennel bulb 茴香
  • 1 large avocado 鳄梨一只
  • 100 g bag watercress, roughly chopped 100克豆瓣菜
  • 2 oranges 2只橙子
  • olive oil 橄榄油
  • 2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded 熟鸡胸肉凉快 , 切条
  1. Cook the beans in a large pan of boiling salted water for 4-5 mins. Cool under cold water and put in a bowl. Finely slice the fennel bulb, cutting away the core.
  2. 取一大平底锅 , 烧水煮青豆4到5分钟 , 加盐调味 。 烧开后 , 凉水过滤放入碗中 。 把茴香切岁 , 去硬核 。

  1. Peel and slice the avocado and add to bowl with watercress. Peel the oranges, cut out the segments and add to bowl. Squeeze the rest of the orange juice into a bowl and mix with the olive oil to make a dressing. Toss salad in the dressing, scatter over chicken, then serve.
  2. 把鳄梨去皮切薄片 , 和豆瓣菜一起放入碗中 。 橙子薄皮 , 切一半也加入碗中 。 剩下的橙榨汁 , 混合着橄榄油 , 把碗里的原料一起搅拌做成色拉 。 再倒入色拉酱搅拌 。 淋在鸡肉上 , 完成 。
