Saffron amp; tomato risotto 藏红花番茄烩饭

Saffron & tomato risotto 藏红花番茄烩饭

Saffron amp; tomato risotto 藏红花番茄烩饭


【Saffron amp; tomato risotto 藏红花番茄烩饭】 Cook 20 mins;Prep 10 mins
Nutrition per serving
330 kcalories, protein 8.4g, carbohydrate 60.1g, fat 6.8g, saturated fat 1.6g, fibre 2.1g, salt 3.95g

Serves 4
  • ? tsp fennel seeds, crushed 半勺茴香籽,碾碎
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped 2只番茄,切碎
  • a large pinch of saffron threads, crushed 一大把藏红花
  • olive oil 橄榄油
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped 1只小洋葱,切细碎
  • 1? l vegetable stock 500毫升蔬菜汤料
  • 275 g arborio rice 275克大米
  • 125 ml white wine 125毫升白葡萄酒
  • Parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), grated 干奶酪,磨碎

  1. Mix the fennel seeds with the chopped tomatoes. Pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over the saffron to soak. Heat the olive oil in a wide, shallow pan and then add the onion with a bit of seasoning and cook for a few minutes until softened. Heat the stock in a separate pan until simmering.
  2. 把茴香籽和切好的番茄混合,藏红花粉倒入一勺沸水中使其被吸收 。 取一直宽口浅锅倒入橄榄油加热,并放入洋葱加入调味料烧几分钟直到洋葱变软 。 同时,取另一只锅,加热蔬菜汤料,并焖煮一会儿 。

  1. Add the rice to the onion and cook until the grains are glistening, about 3 minutes. Pour in the saffron, stir for a minute and then add the wine. Stir until absorbed.
  2. 把米饭倒入洋葱的锅子里煮,直到米粒发亮,大约3分钟 。 倒入藏红花粉,搅拌一分钟并倒入葡萄酒,不断搅拌直到被吸收 。

  1. Add one ladle of stock and stir again until absorbed. Continue this process for about 10-12 minutes or until the rice is done but has a bite to it. Add the tomatoes and fennel seeds and cook for a minute. Serve with the grated Parmesan.
  2. 加一勺蔬菜高汤到饭中,搅拌直到吸干 。 重复这样的步骤10到12分钟,直到米饭煮熟,并有嚼劲 。 添加准备好的番茄和茴香籽再煮一分钟 。 撒上干奶酪,即可出锅食用 。
