Spice-rubbed chicken with pomegranate salad调味烤鸡搭配甜榴沙拉

Spice-rubbed chicken with pomegranate salad 调味烤鸡搭配甜榴沙拉

Spice-rubbed chicken with pomegranate salad调味烤鸡搭配甜榴沙拉


· Cook 40 mins;Prep 20 mins
Nutrition per serving 营养成分
294 kcalories, protein 30.0g, carbohydrate 碳水化合物29.0g, fat 7.0g, saturated fat 脱脂脂肪2.0g, fibre 5.0g, salt 0.33g

Serves 4四人份
· 4 skinless chicken leg joints, cut into drumsticks and thighs 4只鸡腿 , 切成大腿和鸡梗
· Turmeric 姜黄粉
· sweet paprika 甜椒
· chilli flakes 辣椒片
· coarsely ground black pepper 黑胡椒
· olive oil 橄榄油
· white wine vinegar 白醋
For the salad · seeds from 1 pomegranate 石榴1只 , 取籽
· 3 oranges, segmented 橙子3只,取囊
· lime juice, plus extra wedges to serve 酸橙汁
· pomegranate molasses 石榴糖浆
· small handful mint leaves, torn 少许小薄荷叶

1. Score the chicken with a sharp knife, about 2-3 cuts in each piece. Mix the spices with a little salt, the olive oil and vinegar in a small bowl. Using gloves (turmeric stains your fingers), rub this spice mixture over the chicken pieces and transfer to a roasting tin. Leave to marinate for at least 20 mins, or overnight in the fridge if you're preparing ahead.
在鸡肉上划2到3刀 。 拿一小碗把姜黄粉加盐 , 黑胡椒、橄榄油和醋调和 。 用调和好的酱汁擦拭鸡肉 , 并转移到烤盘内腌制20分钟 , 也可放入冰箱保存一晚 。
2. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Cover the chicken with foil and bake for 30 mins. Remove the foil and continue cooking in the oven for another 10 mins until tender. Baste with tin juices and rest for 5 mins before serving.
预热烤箱(风扇200度或者上下火180度)用锡纸包住鸡肉放入烤箱烤30分钟 。 取出后 , 把鸡肉放入平底锅中继续烧10分钟 , 直至鸡肉变酥 。 关火前5分钟 , 在鸡肉上蘸涂烧烤酱加甜椒翻炒 。
3. Meanwhile, make the salad. Mix the pomegranate seeds with the orange segments, mix the lime juice with the pomegranate molasses, then drizzle over. Scatter with torn mint leaves and serve alongside the chicken.
烤鸡肉的时候准备沙拉 。 把酸橙汁和石榴甜酱混合后洒在石榴子和橙子的混合物上 , 再加几片薄荷叶 , 配在鸡肉的旁边 。
【Spice-rubbed chicken with pomegranate salad调味烤鸡搭配甜榴沙拉】
