春天适合吃哪些果蔬?芦笋、芹菜、牛油果能抗炎……( 二 )
【春天适合吃哪些果蔬?芦笋、芹菜、牛油果能抗炎……】Winter anti-inflammatory superstars
In the cold winter months, think green. Many green leafy vegetables star during this season, including kale, collard greens, and swiss chard. Root vegetables like beets are another great and hardy winter option. Reach for sweet potatoes and turnips. Other options to try are kiwi fruit, lemons, oranges, and pineapple.
在寒冷的冬天 , 考虑绿色食物 。许多绿叶蔬菜在这个季节都很受欢迎 , 包括羽衣甘蓝和瑞士甜菜 。甜菜等根茎类蔬菜也是不错且耐寒的冬季选择 。也可以吃红薯和芜菁 。其他选择包括猕猴桃、柠檬、橙子和菠萝 。
Whenever possible, when you choose an anti-inflammatory food try to substitute it for a less healthy option. For example, trade a muffin for a fresh-berry fruit salad, or a plate of French fries for a baked sweet potato. Making small trades in your diet can add up to big health benefits over time.
有可能的话 , 试着用一种抗炎食物代替不太健康的食物 。例如 , 将一块松饼换成一份新鲜的浆果沙拉 , 或者将一盘薯条换一份烤红薯 。在你的饮食中做一些小的改变 , 随着时间的推移 , 会对健康非常有帮助 。
来源:Harvard Health Publishing
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