教大家一道Salsa(沙司)的做法 , 明天的主菜会用到的
Peach, Tomato, and Sweet Onion Salsa
①3 medium peaches, small dice (about 1 1/2 cups)
3个中等大小的桃子 , 切丁(1杯半)
②2 medium tomatoes, small dice (about 1 cup)
2个中等大小的番茄 , 切丁(1杯)
【沙司 教大家一道Salsa的做法,明天的主菜会用到的】 ③1/2 medium sweet onion, small dice (about 1/2 cup)
半个中个儿甜洋葱 , 切丁(半杯)
④1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
①Combine peaches, tomatoes, onion, and lemon juice in a small nonreactive mixing bowl. Season well with salt and let sit at least 20 minutes.
将桃丁 , 番茄丁 , 洋葱丁和柠檬汁放入碗中搅拌均匀 , 加入盐调味后静置至少20min.
②Just prior to using, season well with freshly ground black pepper and mix thoroughly.
在使用前 , 放入磨碎的黑胡椒搅拌均匀即可 。
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