带翻译 学习知识|你来自哪里用英语怎么说,英语自我介绍

你来自哪儿 (四种) 英语怎么说?两种常见表达方法
be from=come from 来自……

  1. Where are you from? 此处用了短语be from,表示来自……,因为是含be动词的特殊疑问句,所以只需把be动词放到疑问词where的后面就可以了,不需要借助助动词do
  2. Where do you come from?这里come from也表示“来自……” 。 短语中不含be动词,所以需要借助助动词do来构成疑问句式 。

你来自哪里用英语怎么说?Where are you from
 where you come
你的笔友来自哪里? 是什么意思? ... 你来自哪里 Where you come from 前路漫漫 哪里才是我的归属 Oh and where is where I belong 我来自黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市 I am from Qiqihar ...
 Where do you come from
其,我爱你! 跟你没关系... 是什么意思? ... 海上钢琴师是一部浪漫的文艺片 Pianist is a romantic dramas 你来自哪里 Where do you come from 今天是什么月份 In what is today ...
请问你来自哪里 Where do you come from
你是来自哪里 From wherever you are ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from ; You comes from where
你来自哪里啊 Where you came from ; Where are you from ah
你来自哪里呢 Where you came from ; Where do you come from
你来自哪里的呢 Where you came from ; Can where you come from ; Where do you come from
你是来自哪里的 Wherever you are from the ; Where do you come from ; Where you come from
翻译公司你来自哪里 Beauty where you came from
我忘记你来自哪里了 I forget where you come from
你妈妈来自哪里 Your mother come from ; Where is your mother from ; Where your mother came from

你来自哪里?用英文怎么说?Where are you from?你来自哪里?
what country are you from?你来自哪个国家?

what is your nationality?你是什么国籍?
James: Hello.
Lisa: Hi.
James: How are you?
Lisa: I'm good. How are you?
James: Good. Do you speak English?
詹姆士:我也很好 。 你说英语吗?
Lisa: A little. Are you American?
James: Yes.
詹姆士:是的 。
Lisa: Where are you from?
James: I'm from California.
【带翻译 学习知识|你来自哪里用英语怎么说,英语自我介绍】詹姆士:我来自加利福尼亚州 。

你来自哪里?英文 1、Where do you come from?

2、Where are you from?

3、Where you are from?

4、Where are you coming from?



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