Chicken tikka skewers 印度鸡肉串烧

【Chicken tikka skewers 印度鸡肉串烧】Chicken tikka skewers 印度鸡肉串烧

Chicken tikka skewers 印度鸡肉串烧


Cook 20 mins 烹制:20分钟;Prep 20 mins 准备:20分钟

Nutrition per serving 营养成分
214 kcalories, protein 37.0g, carbohydrate 8.0g, fat 4.0g, saturated fat 1.0g, fibre 1.0g, salt 0.61g

214克 卡路里;蛋白质 37克;碳水化合物 8克;脂肪 4克;饱和脂肪 1克;纤维 1克;盐分 0.61克

Ingredients 食材
Serves 4 四人份
  • 150 g pot low-fat natural yogurt 150克 低脂天然酸奶
  • 2 tbsp hot curry paste 2汤匙 热咖喱酱
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed 4块 去骨,去皮鸡胸肉
  • 250 g pack cherry tomatoes 250克 小番茄
  • 4 wholemeal chapatis, warmed, to serve 全麦面包屑
For the cucumber-salad 黄瓜沙拉酱
  • 1 cucumber, halved lengthways, deseeded and sliced 一根黄瓜,纵向剖开切薄片
  • 1 red onion, thinly sliced 一个红洋葱,切细薄片
  • handful chopped coriander leaves 香菜切碎
  • juice 1 lemon 柠檬一只,榨汁
  • 50 g pack lamb's lettuces or pea shoots 50克 莴苣或者豌豆苗

Method 做法
  1. Put 8 wooden skewers in a bowl of water to soak. Mix the yogurt and curry paste together in a bowl, then add the chicken (if you have time, marinate for an hr or so). In a large bowl, toss together the cucumber, red onion, coriander and lemon juice. Chill until ready to serve.
取八根烤肉杆放入水中浸泡 。 另取一只碗,把酸奶和咖喱酱混合,并加入鸡肉 。 (若有时间,可腌制一小时 。 )取一大碗,放入准备好的黄瓜、红洋葱、香菜和柠檬汁,冷藏待用 。

  1. Shake off any excess marinade, then thread the chicken pieces and cherry tomatoes onto the pre-soaked skewers. Cook under a medium grill for 15-20 mins, turning from time to time, until cooked through and nicely browned.
抖去多余的酱汁,然后把切好的鸡肉和小番茄一个个插到浸泡过的烤肉杆上 。 中火烤15到20分钟,保持不断翻转,直至全部烤熟,呈棕黄色 。

  1. Stir the lettuce or pea shoots into the salad, then divide between 4 plates. Top each serving with 2 chicken tikka skewers and serve with the warm chapatis.
把莴苣或者豌豆苗搅拌到色拉里,并全部到处装入到四个盘中 。 每盘上面放两根鸡肉烤串,最后配上热面包屑 。
