王源全新英文单曲《Stop The Clocks》11.6日正式上线, 清澈的嗓音唱起英文歌词也是非常有感觉, 展示出自己的态度, 让很多歌迷朋友们喜欢, 王源《Stop The Clocks》完整版歌词是什么?下面带来介绍 。
王源《Stop The Clocks》歌词是什么?
源的全新英文单曲《Stop The Clocks》首发, 单从曲调来看, 轻柔舒缓又很有节奏感, 很多人说“只听一小段旋律就已经沦陷了 。 ”
而且这个曲风听起来和《花瓣》、《柔》等又有一些相似之处, 都是细节亮点满满的歌曲, 是需要人们闭上眼睛用心去听去感受的 。 看来, 这又是独具特色的“源氏曲风”中的一员大将了 。
除了编曲, 王源的发音也成了这首歌的一大亮点 。 众所周知的是, 王源现在就读于伯克利音乐学院, 在去年也曾在国外生活了一年潜心学习 。 今年回国后, 他的英文发音和音乐水平都在以肉眼可见的速度增长 。
《Stop The Clocks》完整版歌词
Stop the clocks
Stop the clocks
Brave faces
Cover scraPEs up wITh band AIds
But I can't keep on lying to myself
And keep on saying I don't need nobody else
【【《Stop】王源《Stop The Clocks》歌词是什么 全新英文单曲完整版歌词】Cold sheets
Felt so good to the old me
I can't keep on lying by myself
Hate to admit it but I need to be held need to be held again
Seeing all my frIEnds holding hands at the bAR
Watchin old lovers feeding birds in the park
Second hand feelings never quite enough
Wish I could just stop the clocks
And tear this city down til I find us
I know the Words but not the sound
My heart is tired
Of sleeping far away from home
If there's a god above my head
If it's not too much to ask
Just stop the clocks
Stop the clocks
Just stop the clocks
From my past come to haunt me
The devil I could never put to rest
Let it hurt me once it's gonna hurt again
Seeing all my friends holding hands at the bar
Watchin old lovers feeding birds in the park
Second hand feelings never quite enough
Wish I could just stop the clocks
And tear this city down til I find us
I know the words but not the sound
My heart is tired
Of sleeping far away from home
If there's a god above my head
If it's not too much to ask
Just stop the clocks
Stop the clocks
Just stop the clocks
Just stop the clocks
Stop the clocks
以上就是全部内容 。
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