西班牙猪肉出口中国 西班牙猪肉出口看起来势头强劲

SPAIN - For 2015, exports of Spanish pork increased 17 per cent on the year earlier to 1.23 million tonnes.In euro terms, the value of these shipments also grew, although at a lesser pace, up by 6 per cent to 2.65 billion. This highlighted that the unit price fell by 9 per cent in 2015, versus 2014, to 2.15/kg.Domestic production levels were up 8 per cent year on year, coupled with a growing pig herd. The December 2015 census stated that the Spanish pig herd grew 7 per cent during 2015 to 28.4 million head, making it now the largest pig herd in Europe, overtaking Germany.The breeding sow herd also grew by 5 per cent over the same period, inferring that domestic production will increase further into 2016.

2015年,西班牙猪肉出口较去年增长了17% , 达到123万吨 。以欧元计算,尽管增长速度徐徐,但是西班牙出口量价值仍在增长,提高了6%,达到26.5亿元 。值得强调的是 , 2015年的猪肉单价相对于2014年的2.15欧元/公斤下降了9% 。外加上日益增长的猪群数量,西班牙国内生产水平年同比提高8% 。2015年十二月的普查指出,西班牙猪群在2015年增长7%,达到2840万头 。西班牙赶超德国 , 成为欧洲拥有最大猪群国家 。同一时期育种母猪群也增长了5%,据猜测,西班牙国内猪肉生产水平在2016年进一步提高 。
【西班牙猪肉出口中国 西班牙猪肉出口看起来势头强劲】
