四级作文范文应用文 四级作文范文

Hi, Dongdong,
We have been classmates for almost a year, and I feel compelled to write you this letter of gratitude.
When I entered this university, I was quite shy, unwilling to communicate with others, so I kept my mouth shut like an oyster during the English oral practice. When I couldn't find the right words to convey my ideas, blood rushed to my cheeks. This was very bad for an oral English class.
Seeing my problem, you offered me valuable help. You told me that you had been timid yourself in high school, but had gradually overcome the hindrance. Since confidence stems mainly from ability, you summarized dozens of useful expressions often used in oral drills for me to memorize. Thus, I gradually found it easier to get my ideas across to others. What moved me most was that you arranged for some fellow students to make favorable comments on my spoken English in order to boost my morale—a fact I didn't know until quite some time later when one student accidentally mentioned your arrangement, and instantly tears streamed down my cheeks.
Dongdong, I take pride in having you as my classmate. You are my good brother indeed!
此作文是一篇应用文 。考生需要知道书信的格式 。这是一封写给自己朋友的信件 , 所以不需要很正式 。书信正文的格式为:在信件的开头 , 注明对收信的人的称呼 , 顶头写 , 且自成一行 , 末尾用逗号;正文内容结束之后 , 要有结束语 , 结束语在正文结束后的下一行开始写 , 开头字母大写 , 常用结束语有:Yours、Yours sincerely、Sincerely、Very sincerely、Yours truly、Most sincerely等 , 结束语后用逗号;最后一行进行署名 。本文语言规范、地道 , 结构清晰 。作者先简要说明自己写这封信的原因;接着详细描述自己遇到的问题以及好朋友如何帮助自己渡过难关;最后表达自己的感激之情 。
Dear Mr. Lu,
You must be happy to learn that I have been admitted to the Physics Department of the Engineering University, which, you know, was my first choice. At this moment of delight, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you for your extraordinary contribution to my education over the past three years.
It began in Senior One, when you taught us math—a subject that had been overwhelmingly tedious to me. But I was deeply impressed by your first class: an introduction to the importance of math, and some prominent mathematicians including Hua Luogeng. Anecdotes of these renowned mathematicians aroused my curiosity in math. From time to time, your witty remarks caused ripples of laughter among the students.
In the following classes, I found your explanations of mathematical formulas quite easy—just a piece of cake. Obviously you could explain logically, step by step, so that I could follow your line of thought almost effortlessly. This, in turn, further sharpened my appetite for math. At the end of the semester, before I realized it, I scored among the highest on the exam.
Thanks largely to my solid foundation in math, I was enrolled into this Engineering University. I do owe my success to you, my dear teacher. To prove I'm worthy of your kindness, I'll endeavor to achieve greater scholarly success in university.
Yours ever,
Li Xiaodong
【四级作文范文应用文 四级作文范文】此作文是一篇应用文 。考生需要知道书信的格式 。这是一封写给恩师的信件 , 所以要正式 。书信正文的格式为:在信件的开头 , 注明对收信人的称呼 , 顶头写 , 且自成一行 , 末尾用逗号;正文内容结束之后 , 要有结束语 , 结束语在正文结束后的下一行开始写 , 开头字母大写 , 常用结束语有:Yours、Yours sincerely、Sincerely、Very sincerely、Yours truly、Most sincerely等 , 结束语后用逗号;最后一行进行署名 。本文语言规范 , 格式正确 , 结构清晰 。作者首先介绍了感谢的原因 , 即自己被理想的大学录取 , 主要要感谢恩师;接着回忆当年上课的情景 , 由此引出自己受到的影响以及取得的进步 , 最后作者再次点题 , 对恩师表达谢意以及表明自己定将继续努力以此回报的决心 。
