Shanxi's Specialty
When you hear "Shanxi" ,What will you think ?coal ? noodles ? or others ?
As a city,Shanxi is famous for its Traders and Shanxi exchange(晋商和山西票号) , There were many ancient buildings witnessed of ShanxI economy fourishing.In short ,Shanxi is one of the best places to experience the ancient traditional culture . When it comes to Shanxi' Specialty.I think Shanxi noodles is No1.According to the investigation, there are 400 kinds of pasta in Shanxi as many, especially in the famous sliced noodles at home and abroad .Besides,"Shanxi aged vinegar" ,the most famous locally-produced,is another speciality worthy of mention.Last but not least, Jujube andWalnut arequite nice and are rich in nutrition indeed.
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