deprived 如何通过大学四、六级考试?
四六级考试是每个大学生都考的,那么四六级的成绩可能也会影响到之后的工作,所以很多同学都在大学其他四六级的分数,其实过四六级还是比较简单的deprived 。
对于英语不是太好的人来说只要最基本的单词会写,其他的只要记住单词的意思也可以去考试了 。
每天都要练习听力 。听力可能是我们最容易失去分数并且分数占比例最多的地方,这就需要我们每天坚持练习 。听力我们最好听真题,每天听熟练一套,不要求听好多套,但是要听熟练一套 。
【deprived 如何通过大学四、六级考试?】刚开始先不看听力材料听一遍,然后再看着听力材料听一遍,最后再不看着听力材料听一遍,这样听的时候差不多就能知道听力的内容了 。还有听的时候要记下关键词,有的时候时间来不及就记下关键词的简写 。也可以多听英文歌曲 。
多动手写 。俗话说,好记性不如烂笔头,在作文方面要想得高分必须得动手写 。我们在写的时候也不要随便写,可以积累一些优美句子,或者作文结构,四六级作文的类型也是固定的,因此在写的时候练多了就会觉得信手拈来 。单词有的时候也要动手写,尤其是比较复杂的单词,写的多了就不会记的混乱 。
多背作文的万能句式,在考试中也是可以用得到的 。
1、国有国法,家有家规 。
State-owned law, family rules.
2、臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休 。
The minister\”s heart is a magnet needle, and he will not rest until he is not guided.
3、一寸国土一寸金 。
An inch of land and an inch of gold.
4、得好乡邻胜似亲 。
A good neighbor is better than a kinsman.
5、爱乡人,常恋土 。
Love the country, often love the land.
6、国多勇士根基稳,家有英雄世代荣 。
Many warriors have a solid foundation, and their families are honored by heroes from generation to generation.
7、苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之 。
In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.
8、我希望在烈火与热血中得到永生 。
I hope to live forever in fire and blood.
9、气蒸云梦泽;波撼岳阳城 。
Steaming clouds and dreams; shaking Yueyang City.
10、我好象一只牛,吃的是草,挤出的是奶、血 。
I\”m like a cow. I eat grass and I squeeze milk and blood.
11、人出生在哪里,哪里就最珍贵 。
Where people are born, they are most precious.
12、在异国做皇帝,不如在家乡耪大地 。
It is better to be emperor in a foreign country than to be emperor in one\”s hometown.
13、科学没有国界,科学家却有国界 。
Science has no boundaries, but scientists have boundaries.
14、树高千丈,叶落归根 。
Trees are so tall that leaves fall to their roots.
15、国耳忘家,公耳忘私 。
National ears forget home, public ears forget selfishness.
16、家有贤妻,如国有良相 。
There is a good wife in the family, such as a good prime minister in the state.
17、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急 。
Often think hard, but sacrifice the country\”s top priority.
18、捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归 。
If you die in a national disaster, you will see death as a sudden return.
19、爱祖国,首先要了解祖国;不了解,就说不上爱 。
To love our motherland, we must first understand our motherland; if we don\”t, we can\”t say love.
20、国强民不受辱,民强国不受悔 。
The country is strong and the people are not humiliated, and the country is strong without regret.
21、大地养活人民,英雄保卫祖国 。
The earth feeds the people and heroes defend the motherland.
22、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想 。
We are the masters of our country. We should think of our country everywhere.
23、光明的中国,让我的生命为你燃烧吧 。
Bright China, let my life burn for you.
24、近厨得食,近民得力 。
Near the kitchen, near the people.
25、戍客望边色,思归多苦颜 。
The garrison looked at the side and thought about the bitter face.
26、一身报国有万死,双鬓向人无再青 。
All the newspapers are dead, and the temples are never green again.
27、天下兴亡,匹夫有责 。
Piff is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.
28、百姓齐,泰山移 。
The people are all aligned and Mount Tai is moved.
29、为了全人类的和平与进步,中国人来到了太空 。
For the sake of peace and progress of all mankind, the Chinese people have come to space.
30、爱家的人才能爱国 。
He who loves his family can love his country.
31、国以民为本,民以国为家 。
The country is people-oriented and the people are country-oriented.
32、谁不属于自己的祖国,他就不属于人类 。
Whoever does not belong to his motherland does not belong to mankind.
33、国强民也富,国破家也亡 。
The country is strong, the people are rich, and the country is broken.
34、工人没有祖国 。绝不能剥夺他们所没有的东西 。
Workers have no motherland. They must not be deprived of what they do not have.
35、为国捐躯,虽死犹荣 。
It is a glorious death to die for our country.
36、宁死不做亡国奴 。
Better die than die as a slave.
37、为了抉择真理,为了国家民族,我要回国去 。
In order to decide the truth and the nation, I will go back to my country.
38、葵花向太阳,翻身全靠党 。
Sunflower turns to the sun, turning over depends entirely on the Party.
39、为中华崛起而读书 。
Reading for the rise of China.
40、国乱国亡,国亡家亡 。
The country is in chaos and the country is in ruin.
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