
Negro的复数是Negroes 。一般名词变复数以o结尾的名词,有生命的以o结尾的名词变复数时,词尾加es,无生命的以o结尾的名词变复数时,词尾加s 。例句:American Negroes invented jazz.美国黑人发明了爵士乐 。Heroes and Negroes like eating tomatoes and potatoes.黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆 。



Negro例句The great majority of negro youth are city-born today.
今天绝大多数的黑人青年都生于城市 。
He might have recovered from the scandal they say were he not a negro.
他们认为,如果伯克不是黑人,他可能早就从丑闻带来的伤害中恢复了 。
The present negro rural population bears enough children to more than double its size in every generation.
当前的黑人人口生育的子女数量,使得每一代的人口都可以翻倍 。
Fell ill in the house filled with dust and shadows,with only a doddering negro man to wait on her.
她先是病倒在那所充满灰尘的阴暗的房子里,只有一个步履蹒跚的黑人老仆照顾她 。
We cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one.
只要黑人的基本活动范围只是从少数民族聚居的小贫民区转移到大贫民区,我们就绝不会满足 。
双语列句It's impolite to call the black people Negro.
称呼黑人为Negro是不礼貌的 。
It is the most difficult of all anthropological data on which to"draw"the old Negro.
Twenty years later,it was purposefully dropped to make way for"Negro."
20年后,人们故意弃用了这个词,改用“Negro” 。
Music has always been important in Negro life.
音乐在黑人生活中一直占有重要地位 。
But one hundred years later,the Negro still is not free.
然而,100年后,黑人依然没有获得自由 。
The New Negro Cultural Movement New Culture
Do you want to run around like a negro?
A Study of the Negro Problem Neglected during the Progressive Movement
Let me tell you something,you old Negro spiritual.
让我告诉你这个黑人老不死 。
Sounds like we got a Negro deep throat here.right?
听起来有个黑人进入我们的喉咙了 。对吗?
I haven't ever seen any Negro changing any lines.
我没有看到任何黑人变换任何的路线 。
Oh,please!Just save me the Negro rights!
噢,求你了 。别给我说什么黑人的权利了!
The negro happened to take charge of the kitchen that day.
那名黑人那天恰好负责厨房的卫生工作 。
Some good negro,who do what he told?
Negro combustion slowly built up to the revolution point.
黑人的怒火逐渐上升到采取革命行动的地步 。
The Negro race is active in the sport fields in america.
在美国黑种人活跃在体坛 。
And a Negro born with his heart on the outside.
和一个有先天性心脏病的黑孩子 。
Characteristic of people traditionally classified as the Negro race.
有传统上划分为黑人种的特点 。
Yeah,well,I don't record Negro songs.
可惜我不录黑鬼的歌 。
The place where the Negro comes to spread his wings.
这里是黑人展翅翱翔的地方 。


