幸福拍手歌口哨mp3 拍手歌口哨版.mp3
一边吹口哨一边拍手的歌?【幸福拍手歌口哨mp3 拍手歌口哨版.mp3】Green Day - Good Riddancemade by hanksyuAnother turning pointa fork stuck in the road.Time grabs you by the wristdirects you where to go.So make the best of this testand don\"t ask why.It\"s not a questionbut a lesson learned in time.It\"s something unpredicatablebut in the end it\"s right.I hope you had the time of your life.So take the photographsand still frames in your mind.Hang it on a shelfof good health and good time.Tattoos of memoriesand dead skin on trial.For what it\"s worth,it was worth all the while.It\"s something unpredicatablebut in the end it\"s right.I hope you had the time of your life.It\"s something unpredicatablebut in the end it\"s right.I hope you had the time of your life.It\"s something unpredicatablebut in the end it\"s right.I hope you had the time of your life.
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