完全没问题用英语怎么说 我没问题 英文

翻译成英文:我认为他的手表没有问题?I don\"t think there is something wrong with his watch.
think 的否定要前置
没问题英文怎么说?1、no problem
[n?u ?pr?bl?m]
不麻烦, 没什么,没事儿,非常容易 。
Getting out of the contract would be no problem.
撤销这个合同不会有任何问题 。
2、no trouble
He had no trouble casting the movie.
他为该部电影挑选演员没费一点力气 。
英 [??u?kei]美 [o?ke]
【完全没问题用英语怎么说 我没问题 英文】n:认可,同意
v:赞成或同意, 批准
I think I hear the telephone ringing.——Okay, I can take a hint.
我想我听到电话铃在响 。——好的,我明白你的意思了 。
4、all right
英 [?:l rait]美 [?l ra?t]
尚可,(确保对方同意或理解)如何, 可允许(的), 正确的 。
Can you walk all right? the nurse asked him.
你走路有困难吗?护士问他 。
5、never mind
英 [?nev? maind]美 [?n?v? ma?nd]
没关系,不用担心 。
(用于安慰)没关系,不用担心,更不用说 。
Dorothy, come on. Never mind your shoes. They\"ll soon dry off.
快点儿吧,多萝西 。别去管你的鞋子了,它们很快就会干的 。
6、out of question
英 [aut ?v ?kwest??n]美 [a?t ?v ?kw?st??n]
Out of question, it is his handwriting.
毫无疑问, 这是他的字迹 。
question, problem, matter 。
1. Issues such as these were not really his concern.
他其实并不关心诸如此类的问题 。
2. I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.
我回想起多次同她就这些问题及类似话题进行的讨论 。
3. This brings us to the second question I asked.
这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题 。
4. The plan is good the problem is it doesn\"t go far enough.
计划不错;问题在于不够深入 。
5. The key issue was whether the four defendants acted dishonestly.
关键问题是4名被告是否存在欺诈行为 。
