
处理用英语怎么说 deal with 。 。 do with
处理单词用英语怎么说 Yes, we all need that moment
to feel uneasy and track our
direction in whatever relationship
we’re in. These breaks can be
beneficial to becoming the person you
want to be.
调质处理的英语翻译 调质处理用英语怎么说 调质处理

【学习知识|处理用英语怎么说,是什么高兴起来英语怎么说】thermal refining

  • 调质处理  thermal refining;quenching and tempering;quenching with Subsequent tempering
  • 调质处理结构  thermal refined structure
  • 调质处理断口  tempered fracture

处理用英语怎么说 不是deal with 两个词 处理
[词典] handle; manage; deal with; dispose;
[例句]对她身上的伤口和淤伤进行了处理和治疗 。
She was treated for cuts and bruises.
“处理 , 应付”用英语怎么说 deal with或do with
