【bgm歌词】办办办办手势舞是什么歌 办办办办手势舞完整BGM歌词

最近各短视频平台兴起办办办办手势舞,很多明星和网红都有参与,除了有一样的手势之外,BGM也是非常的洗脑,很多人想用来做背景音乐,办办办办手势舞是什么歌?下面带来介绍 。

办办办办手势舞是什么歌?抖音中办办办办手势舞这句歌词出自于《Leaving Remix》,是一首纯音乐,配上召唤铠甲的视频,非常的酷炫 。 各大音乐网站有很多的剪辑版,同样的还有Stee Wee Bee/Snyder/Ray 的《leaving(original mix)》 。
其实完整版是来自于首歌是Chingo Bling演唱的《banda makes her dance》 。


2、疾如风 徐如林 掠如火 难知如阴 飞影铠甲合体
3、铠甲勇士变身 盖亚!!!!
4、后人发 先人至 谋长节短 战无不胜 刑天铠甲合体 疾如风 徐如林 掠如火 难知如阴 飞影铠甲合体 不动如山 动如雷震 天地巨力 金刚铠甲合体
5、风鹰铠甲在此,休得放肆 。

Leaving, leaving me out in the cold
BelIEve what you want, you're still leaving
I can't believe what you've done
Believe what you want, you're still leaving
Leaving me out in the cold
Believe what you want, you're still leaving
I can't believe what you've done
Believe what you want, you're still gone
I don't quITe get, just what you do
And why all, this is down to you
I'm not so sure what I'm suppOSed to do
So when you're gone, I guess I'll work it through
And all this time
I never believed it would come to this
And there you stand
A stranger to my eyes
Leaving, leaving me out in the cold
Believe what you want, you're still leaving
I can't believe what you've done
Believe what you want, you're still leaving
Leaving me out in the cold
Believe what you want, you're still leaving
I can't believe what you've done
Believe what you want, you're still gone
以上就是全部内容 。
【【bgm歌词】办办办办手势舞是什么歌 办办办办手势舞完整BGM歌词】
