SPAIN - Spanish swine farmers have weathered the last six months of low prices, and responded to market conditions with a larger pig herd and increased productivity following very promising results from Asia. The USDA FAS expects increasing demand should create conditions to continue with this upward trend. Spanish Ministry official statistics in 2015 show that the Spanish swine sector accounts for 36 per cent of livestock production and 13 per cent of total agricultural production.
西班牙养猪户已经经受住了过去六个月的低廉猪价考验,根据大有出息的亚洲市场,他们随后以更大规模的猪群与提高生产率来归应市场状况 。美国农业部国外服务局(USDA FAS)预计不断增长的需求会为供应发明条件 , 这一增长趋势还会潞傍 。根据2015年西班牙职能部门官方统计数据显示,西班牙养猪行业占畜牧生产的36%,占总农业生产的13% 。
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