上古卷轴5 美食家 《上古卷轴5:天际》里的食物表

【上古卷轴5 美食家 《上古卷轴5:天际》里的食物表】天际省所在北方地域虽说环境比较严酷,但是各种物产却是丰富的很啊,特别是吃的东西 。各种蘑菇,野菜,香,肉类就不说了,鹿肉 , 熊掌,猛犸鼻子 , 鸡肉 , 三文鱼肉很多估计现实中也不容易吃到的山珍海味;而玩家自己也能用锅做菜 。不知道各位英雄在风暴斗篷和帝国之间周旋之余 , 有没有闲情雅志当上一回厨师,弄上一两道美食来品味一番呢 。一直钻山洞 , 抖恶龙,偶尔也要放松放送嘛 。
Finished Product Effect Ingredients
Apple Cabbage Stew Restores 10 Health and 15 Stamina. Salt Pile, Red Apple, Cabbage 0.5 8
Beef Stew Increases maximum Stamina by 25 for 720 seconds and restores 2 Stamina per second for 720 seconds. Raw Beef, Carrot, Salt Pile, Garlic 0.5 8
Cabbage Potato Soup Restores 10 health and 10 stamina. Potato, Salt Pile, Leek, Cabbage 0.5 5
Cooked Beef Restores 10 health. Salt Pile, Raw Beef 0.5 5
Elsweyr Fondue Increases Magicka regeneration by 25% and increases maximum Magicka by 100 for 720 seconds. Eidar Cheese Wheel, Moon Sugar, Ale 0.5 5
Grilled Chicken Breast Restores 5 Health. Chicken Breast, Salt Pile 0.2 4
Horker Loaf Restores 15 Health and 15 Stamina. Salt Pile, Horker Meat 1 4
Horker Stew Restores 15 Health and 15 Stamina, and restores 1 Health per second for 720 seconds. Lavender, Tomato, Garlic, Horker Meat 0.5 8
Horse Haunch Restores 10 Health. Salt Pile, Horse Meat 2 4
Leg of Goat Roast Restores 10 Health. Salt Pile, Leg of Goat 1 4
Mammoth Steak Restores 10 Health. Salt Pile, Mammoth Snout 2 8
Pheasant Roast Restores 5 Health. Salt Pile, Pheasant Breast 0.2 4
Rabbit Haunch Restores 5 Health. Salt Pile, Raw Rabbit Leg 0.1 3
Salmon Steak Restores 5 Health. Salt Pile, Salmon Meat 0.1 4
Tomato Soup Restores 10 Health and 10 Stamina. Tomato, Salt Pile, Garlic, Leek 0.5 5
Vegetable Soup
Restores 1 Health per second and 1 Stamina per second for 720 seconds.
Cabbage, Potato, Leek, Tomato 0.5 5
Venison Chop Restores 5 Health. Salt Pile, Venison 2 5
Venison Stew Restores 15 Stamina and restores 1 Health per second and 1 Stamina per second for 720 seconds. Venison, Salt Pile, Potato, Leek 0.5 8
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