关于衣服的英语手抄报 关于衣服的英语手抄报内容

关于衣服的英语手抄报 关于衣服的英语手抄报内容

1、这女人的裙子上缀满了宝石和玉石 , 简直像一件红宝石铠甲 。
This womans dress is studded with jewels and jade, just like a ruby.
2、今天 , 我穿了一件花花绿绿裙子 , 金光闪闪的绸缎腕成蝴蝶结 , 腰间的粉红腰带犹如一条红色的溪水 , 潺潺的向两边流淌 , 直到“相逢” , 组成一条粉桃桃的腰带 , 真是般配了!
Today, I was wearing a brightly coloured skirt, glittering satin bow wrist, waist belt is like a pink red stream, gurgling flowing to both sides, until the encounter, composed of a powder peach belt, it is matched!
3、一个黄衣少女笑吟吟的站在门口 , 肤光胜雪 , 双目犹似一泓清水 , 在各人脸上转了 。
A yellow smiling girl standing in the doorway, cream colored eyes, like water, turned in his face.
4、她像一尊雕塑 , 老是那么个表情:不乐不忧 , 不慌不忙 , 不焦不躁 。
She is like a statue, is always a facial expression: neither pleasure nor sorrow, unhurried, not impatient jiao.
【关于衣服的英语手抄报 关于衣服的英语手抄报内容】5、汽车风驰电掣地在高速公路上行驶 。司机五十开外 , 身材高大 , 脸呈古铜色 , 穿一件蓝色的工作服 , 戴顶米色的鸭舌帽 , 几根稀疏的白发从帽沿飘逸而出 。有这样一位司机开车 , 使人有一种安全感 。
The car driving on the highway to go by like the wind. The driver is over fifty, tall, bronzed face, wearing a blue overalls, wearing a beige peaked cap, a sparse white hair from the brim flowing out. There is such a driver to drive, so that people have a sense of security.
