小巫见大巫意思解释 小巫见大巫的意思是什么

小巫见大巫意思解释 小巫见大巫的意思是什么

Photo by Vinícius Vieira Fotografia from Pexels
“小巫见大巫”,汉语成语,意思是“小巫法术小,大巫法术大,小巫的法术在大巫面前显得微不足道(a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one -- pale into insignificance by comparison)” 。后比喻能力高低相差悬殊,相形见绌(appear insignificant when compared with;be pale before) 。
【小巫见大巫意思解释 小巫见大巫的意思是什么】我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫 。Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours.
比起他来,我过去所受的那些苦难也只是小巫见大巫,算不得什么 。
What little pain and adversity I've experienced so far is simply nothing compared to what he's been through.
Editor: Jade
