
parent的复数形式是parents,parent的意思是“父亲(或母亲);父本,母本;创始机构;母公司;总部” 。复数用法:1、表示“父母双方”之意用复数 。如:You ought to obey your parents.你应当听你父母的话 。2、表示“不同的人”的父母双方的一方 。如:The teacher was in conference with the parents after school.放学后老师与家长商谈 。
单数用法:1、在名词前面作定语时 。如:Both units are largely dependent on the parent company.两个子公司很大程序上都依赖于母公司 。2、表父母中的任意一方时用单数,如:Being a parent can be hard work.为人父母不容易 。3、固定用法(特定表示,意义上是单数) 。如:The parent teacher meeting is to be held next Wednesday.家长会下周三举行 。



parent例句1、Many are orphans,their parents killed as they scavenged for food.
很多人是孤儿,他们的父母在垃圾中找吃的时丢了性命 。
2、Many parents find it hard to discourage bad behaviour.
很多父母觉得要孩子循规蹈矩是件很难的事情 。
3、Like their children,parents are often defensive about their private lives.
就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活 。
4、I managed to keep my parents in the dark about this.
我设法对父母瞒下了此事 。
5、She had spent years trying to track down her parents.
她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落 。
双语例句Having one child makes you a parent;having two makes you a referee.
生一个孩子你就成了父母亲,生两个你则成了裁判 。
To become the legal parent of a child who is bear to other parents.
成为其他父母所生孩子的合法父母亲 。
Parents are the most important people in a child's world.
父母在儿童的天地里是最重要的人 。
I was living with my parents at that time.
那时候我和父母住在一起 。
Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.
她的父母对她不再有任何真正的影响力了 。
My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.
父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见 。
People often share their political views with their parents.
人常常跟自己的父母政治观点一致 。
We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools.
我们希望学生家长和学校有更加紧密的合作 。
Do your parents take an interest in your friends?
Her parents died while she was still at school.
她还在读书时父母就去世了 。
Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.
为了让她受良好的教育,她的父母作了很多牺牲 。
He doesn't like asking his parents for help.
他不愿向父母求助 。
I don't want to depend too much on my parents.
我不想过度依靠父母 。
The rock concert was quite an education for my parents!
It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems.
他把自己的问题同父母谈谈会比较好 。
You can't be dependent on your parents all your life.
你不可能一辈子靠父母生活 。
He would not go against his parents'wishes.
他不愿违背父母的意愿 。
The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents.
本文主要是关于她与父母的关系 。
There will be a chance for parents to look around the school.
家长将有机会参观学校 。
Things aren't right between her parents.
【parent的复数形式】她父母的关系不太正常 。
