fav是favourite缩写吗 fav双语例句

fav是favourite缩写,就像pic是picture的缩写一样 。favourite有两种用法,第一种是用作形容词,意思是“最喜欢的;特别受喜爱的”,第二种是用作名词,意思是“特别喜爱的人(或事物);受宠的人;得到偏爱的人” 。例句:She is my favourite singer.她是我最喜欢的歌手 。

fav是favourite缩写吗 fav双语例句


fav双语例句This is one of her fav games to watch daddy play.
这是她最喜欢看爸爸比赛的游戏之一 。
Detection and Control for FAV and VAV Air-conditioning System
It's one of the reasons why he's my fav player.
这也是我最喜欢他的原因之一 。
The middle outfit is one of my fav outfits here.
中间的一套衣服是这里这些衣服当最我最喜欢的 。
Let's share some of my fav!
I'Ll Invite Her Over To My House For Dinner.And Ask Her Fav Dessert.
我会邀请她到我家.然后点她最喜欢的甜点 。
What's your fav olympics sport?
One of my personal fav in British museum,it beongs to some chemist who tried to collecte Eements from nature.
我个人最喜欢的大英博物馆的收藏之一 。是某位化学家对“自然”的收藏 。
favourite双语例句The programme has become a firm favourite with young people.
这个节目已着实赢得了年轻人的喜爱 。
She put£5 each way on the favourite.
她用5英镑,在热门马上投注独赢及位置 。
My favourite band?Oh,that's a hard one.
我最喜爱的乐队?哦,这可就难说了 。
Just press the button to see your favourite character in action.
只要按一下电钮就可以看到你喜欢的角色在表演 。
It was,and still is,my favourite movie.
那部影片以前是我最喜欢的,现在仍然是 。
We were asked to list our ten favourite songs.
我们应要求列出自己最喜爱的十首歌曲 。
Which one's your favourite?
She is a firm favourite with the children.
孩子们着实喜欢她 。
The foreign minister has become everybody's favourite Aunt Sally.
外交部长已成为众矢之的 。
The President stressed a favourite campaign theme─greater emphasis on education.
总统强调了最喜欢的竞选主题——加大教育投入 。
It's one of my favourite movies.
这是我特别喜欢的电影之一 。
This song is a particular favourite of mine.
我尤其喜爱这首歌曲 。
It's a favourite resort for the rich and famous.
这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方 。
It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.
能见到我最喜欢的作者本人使我感到兴奋不已 。
The favourite won by a short head.
最看好的那匹马以不足一马头的优势获胜 。
Her horse is the hot favourite for the race.
她的马在这次赛马中夺魁的呼声最高 。
This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.
这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料 。
My favourite song was playing on the radio.
收音机里播放着我最喜爱的歌曲 。
Our favourite restaurant was closed,so we had to go elsewhere.
我们最喜欢的餐馆已关门了,所以我们只好到别处去 。
It's a favourite game of theirs.
这是他们最喜爱的游戏 。
favourite例句Gold is a traditional favourite of asian investors.
黄金是亚洲投资者的传统最爱 。
My group's favourite subject is social studies.
我们小组最爱的科目是社会研究 。
But it's not my favourite.
但是,它依然不是我的最爱 。
This is absolutely my favourite shot.
这是我最爱的一张照片 。
What's your favourite art gallery?
【fav是favourite缩写吗 fav双语例句】世上哪座美术馆是你的最爱?
