为什么already是频度副词 already是什么意思

Using Still, Already, and Yet in English
英语中三个经常引起混淆的时间副词是still, yet和already 。
所有这些词都用于描述即将发生的动作,或预期会发生的动作,或目前已经意外发生的动作 。
在本文中,我们将更详细地研究still、already和yet的用法 。

为什么already是频度副词 already是什么意思

为什么already是频度副词 already是什么意思

用来描述延续到现在的未完成的动作或情况 。
它经常用于描述比预期的时间要长的情况 。
注意still的位置;它出现在动词或形容词的前面,而不是后面 。
  • My grandfather is sixty-nine and he still works every day at the shop he owns.
  • Do you still live with your parents?
  • It’s 6pm, and I can’t leave the office because I still have work to do.
  • Are you still angry with your mum?
  • He is still asleep, so don’t wake him up.
如果用两个动词(be动词和实意动词)来描述动作,still这个词就放在它们之间 。
  • He started his exam an hour ago, and he is still answering the questions.
  • Is it still snowing? (= it continues to snow, it hasn’t stopped)
  • When I went to bed, John was still working.
  • Adam has stopped smoking but his brother still hasn’t quit.
  • I took the clock to the repair shop, but it still isn’t working.
