聚餐文案 朋友圈聚餐文案

聚餐文案 朋友圈聚餐文案

1、有酒有肉 , 不问世事 , 满心欢喜!With wine and meat, without regard to the world, and full of joy!
2、将所有一言难尽一饮而尽 , 把激情燃烧的岁月灌进喉咙 。Will all a long story and drink, the passion burning years pouring into the throat.
3、饭要常吃 , 面要常见 。Rice should be eaten frequently, noodles should be common.
4、上帝希望我们快乐 , 酒精可以作证 。God wants us to be happy, and alcohol can testify.
5、成群结队 , 快乐加倍!Crowds, double happiness!
【聚餐文案 朋友圈聚餐文案】6、没有特别的事 , 但有一群特别的人 , 在一起会特别的开心 。Nothing special, but a group of special people, together will be very happy.
7、相逢不谈名与利 , 杯杯浊酒祝康宁 。Meet not to talk about fame and wealth, cups of liquor zhu kang ning.
8、承蒙时光不弃 , 感谢给予 , 感恩相遇!Thank you for your time, thank you for giving, thank you for meeting!
9、啤酒一杯接一杯 , 今日不醉 , 我不归 。One beer after another, not drunk today, I will not return.
10、请带上256G的胃 , 我们一起去浪迹天涯 , 四海为家 。Please take a 256G stomach, we go to roam all over the world, everywhere at home.
11、生活不仅要吃甜头 , 还要喝酒吃肉 。Life is not only to eat sweet, but also to drink and eat meat.
12、一切不以吃饭为目的的聚会 , 都是耍流氓 。Any party that is not for the purpose of eating is a hooligan.
