英语作业评语简短 英语作业评语分享
1、学习无坦途 。—There is no royal road to learning.
2、光阴一去不复返 。—Lose time is never found again.
3、学习从不嫌晚 。—Its never too late to learn.
4、熟能生巧 。—Practice makes perfect.
5、不劳无获 。—No pains, no gains.
6、昨日不再来 。—No one can call back yesterday.
7、放弃就是失败 。—To give up is to fail.
8、百说不如一干 。—Actions speak louder than words.
9、有志者事竟成 。—Where there is a will there is a way.
【英语作业评语简短 英语作业评语分享】10、一知半解很危险 。—A little learning is a dangerous thing.
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