英语脑筋急转弯 经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案!

英语脑筋急转弯是英语谜语的一种重要形式,通过它,人们可以达到娱乐消遣的目的 。经典英语脑筋急转弯及答案有哪些的呢?本文是小编整理经典英语脑筋急转弯及答案的资料 , 仅供参考 。
1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?
A mushroom.(蘑菇)
2. What is smaller than an insect's mouth?
Anything it eats.
3. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?
Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜)
4. What's too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?
A secret.
5. What person tried to make you smile most of the time?
【英语脑筋急转弯 经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案!】A photographer.
6. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
A kitten.(小猫)
7. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?
Day breaks, but doesn't fall; night falls, but doesn't break.
8. What can hear you without ears and can answer you without a mouth?
An echo.(回声)
9. What do you know about the kings of France?
They are all dead.
10. What question can you never answer 'yes" to"
Are you asleep?
11. Why do some old people never use glasses?
They must prefer bottles to glasses.
12. Why is the person wearing two coats while painting the house?
Because the instructions on the paint can say "Put on two coats for best results."
13. What two words have thousands of letters in them?
Post office.
14. What do workers do in a clock factory?
They make faces all day.
15. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?
16. When do you go as fast as a racing car?
When you are in it.
17. How many sides does a house have?
Two - inside and outside.

英语脑筋急转弯 经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案!

英语脑筋急转弯 经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案!

英语脑筋急转弯 经典英语脑筋急转弯题目大全及答案!

44. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
45. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?
Nothing. Because I'm a woman.
46. What always travels on foot?
A shoe.
47. Where can happiness always be found?
In the dictionary.
48. What is higher without a head than with a head?
A pillow.(枕头)
49. Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?
He can't read.
50. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?
The outside.
51. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
52. What is never used until it's broken?
An egg.
53. What's a skeleton?(骨架)
It's a lot of bones without the person on them!
54. What is dark but made by light?
A shadow.
55. What can you break with only one word?
56. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?
The light.
57. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why?
Because the truck driver was walking.
58. Where can milk be best stored?
In a cow.
59. Which can move faster, heat or cold?
Heat, because you can catch cold easily.
60. What's the hardest thing about learning 百思特网skating?
The ice.
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