
英语作文 学习中文的方法和建议带翻译 第一 , 我们要明确的一点是:想学好汉语 , 并不是一朝一夕的事 , 而是需要长期的积累和实践 。 所以说想靠一两个月的突击来学好汉语是很难见效的 。

第二 , 学习汉语 , 入门阶段十分重要 。 不少留学生拼音没学了几天 , 就急着赶进度 , 以为自己的发音不准以后就会好的 , 其实并不是这样的 。 如果发音还没有掌握好 , 千万不要急着往下学 , 因为发音一旦不准 , 以后即使到了高级阶段 , 也很难讲一口标准的普通话 , 所以说先把汉语拼音的基础打好 , 尤其是练好四个声调的发音及轻声、儿化音等 , 对今后能否讲普通话十分重要 。

第三 , 学习贵在坚持不懈 。 俗话说“不怕慢 , 就怕站” 。 只要你坚持学习 , 就一定有收效 。 有的学生学一两个月停几个月 , 然后又学 。 在我看来 , 这是既浪费钱效果又不太好的方法 。 哪怕一周只学两次 , 但如果能坚持半年 , 进步也是很大的 。

第四 , 其实语言的实质都是相通的 , 要想学好一门外语 , 把母语完全丢掉是不行的 。 我们应该通过比较去发现母语跟汉语的相同点和不同点 , 这样才能记得牢固一些 。

第五 , 要选好课本 , 循序渐进地学习 。 现在书店里学习汉语的课本很多 , 不要频繁地换书 。 不管哪一种课本 , 只要坚持学习 , 就能学好汉语 。

第六 , 还要记住的一点是要多交中国朋友 。 只在教室里学是学不好汉语的 。 我们应该利用业余时间多跟中国人交朋友 , 练习讲汉语 。

汉语是21世纪人气最旺的一门语言 。 随着中国经济的发展和国力的不断提高 , 掌握了汉语的人犹如插上了一对翅膀 , 可以飞得更高、更远 。
英语作文如何学好汉语的三个条件是什么 以下是我帮你找的资料 , 放心我有细读过 , 认为写的很好...! 每一点的第一句是整段的中心句 , 也就是学好汉语的方法 。 你可以从中选你喜欢已明白的放在你的作文里 , 望您满意...! :D

1. Begin with a good audio-based course. This can be a class taken at a school or university. The lessons can be taught online. Or, you can pick up some excellent packages on CD or DVD at your local bookshop, or download programs onto your computer or MP3 player. But if you want to speak the language, it's vital that the material is presented in a way you can hear. Books alone will not do. So lesson one of the seven great ways to learn Chinese is: find a method that works for you, but make sure it's an auditory method. I recommend you use the interactive and affordable Rocket Chinese language course to do this with.

2. Schedule a time to study. You may reply, "But that's why I'm doing the class online (or using CDs, etc.) I can't fit studying into my schedule at any particular time." Keep this attitude and you'll never get anywhere. There must be some time you can devote to learning Chinese every day. Maybe it's in the car while you're driving to work, or early in the morning before everyone else gets up. When you study doesn't matter; the fact that you study the same time every day does. So lesson two of the seven great ways to learn Chinese is: pick a time to study and stick to it.

3. Take advantage of everything your teaching method offers. Many online computer programs offer not only lessons but games and other learning extensions to help you master the language. DVD-based lessons may have bonus features. If you're learning Chinese in a classroom, take advantage of any outside opportunities the teacher may suggest, even if they require additional time. Lesson three of the seven great ways to learn Chinese is: squeeze every drop out of your chosen learning method.
