
“闭嘴”的英语怎么说? 你好!
Shut up man
英语(闭嘴)怎么说 “闭嘴”的英语是Shut up 。
词汇:shut up
1、shut fuck up 关闭他妈的起来 ; 他妈的闭嘴
2、shut sb up 把某人关起来 ; 让某人闭嘴
3、shut- up 当哑巴
4、Just shut ourselves up 只是把自己封闭起来
5、Shut it up 强力金属
1、Bonnie began to cry . “ Shut up , honey , “ Evey said .
邦尼开始哭了起来 。 “别哭了, 宝贝, ”埃维说 。
2、Had he not been so shut up, he would never have seen such glorious visions of God.
如果他不经过这样关闭的话, 他绝不能见到神荣耀的启示 。
3、"They like to stand out there in the sun and not to be shut up in an apron," said her grandfather.
“那是因为它们喜欢站在阳光下, 而不喜欢被关在一个围裙里啊, ”爷爷说 。
4、They will live in the kitchen, and the rest will be shut up.
他们将要住在厨房里, 其余的房间都锁起来 。
5、"Shut up, Joe, " I say. "We know what you want.
“闭嘴, 乔, ”我说, “我们知道你想要什么 。
闭嘴用英语咋说 英语是:You, shut up!

shut up 英[??t ?p] 美[??t ?p]
[词典] 安静, 闭嘴; 关严; 憋;
[例句]Just shut up, will you?
闭嘴, 好吗?

Shut up, you moaning whinger.
闭嘴, 你这个只知道发牢骚的家伙 。

Oi! You lot! Shut up!

Archie, shut up. You're prattling.
阿奇, 闭嘴!净废话 。

Shut up. it's my turn to talk.
闭嘴, 该是我说话了 。
“闭嘴”用英语怎么说 1\Shut up
你闭嘴用英语怎么说 stopper,shut up
看在老天爷的份上, 闭嘴吧 。 吵死我了!
For God's sake shut up. I can't hear myself think!
哦, 对了, 对了, 闭嘴 。
Chandler: Oh, right, right, shut up.
过了一会儿, 你们闭嘴了, 我很高兴 。
For a while you shut up and I am happy.
闭嘴用英语怎么说? shut up
英 [??t ?p] 美 [??t ?p]
安静, 闭嘴;关严;憋;杜口不言

If someone shuts up or if someone shuts them up, they stop talking. You can say 'shut up' as an impolite way to tell a person to stop talking.

Just shut up, will you?...
闭嘴, 好吗?
I don't feel like shutting up; I think statements about injustice should be made...
我不想住口, 我认为应该发表关于不公正的声明 。
A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up.
对她冷嘲热讽是让她闭嘴的唯一方法 。

1. It's time to shut up shop and go home.
该闭店回家了 。

2. It's getting late; let's shut up shop and finish the job tomorrow.
天快黑了, 咱们停止工作吧, 明天再把它干完 。

3. Shut up. I'm trying to think.
别说了, 我在想问题 。

4. The thief was shut up in prison.
那小偷被监禁在狱中 。

5. The shop has been shut up temporarily.
这家商店暂时停业了 。
闭嘴者的英语怎么说 1、 Put a sock in it (英式英语)
I’ve had enough of your moaning for one day. Why don’t you put a sock in it?这一天我都在听你抱怨, 安静一点行不行啊!有时候你也会听到“put a cork in it”, 意思是一样的 。
2、 Cork it

“Shhh, cork it and listen to him”.“嘘, 别说了, 好好听他说 。 ”
【学习知识|闭嘴用英语怎么说,我叫你闭嘴英文翻译】注:“put a cork in it”更常用 。

3、Button it
“Button it, ok. I’m trying to think!”“闭嘴好吗, 我在思考呢!”
英语是国际网络语言, 是金融界语言, 是空中交通管制语言, 是流行音乐的语言, 涵盖了人类生活的方方面面, 学好英语就如同打开了一扇世界之窗, 我国是经济大国普及英语更是国情需要 。
