
数字十一用英语怎么说 eleven
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11英文怎么说 你好!
1. eleven eleven
2. eleven past eleven
11点11的英语, 怎么说? 11英文可翻译为:“eleven” 。

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11的英语怎么说 【学习知识|11用英语怎么说,各种水果用英语怎么说?】内容来自用户:15897569538cyy
数字[shùzì]1、基数词Cardinals68 sixty-eight100 a/one hundred101 a/one hundred and two746 seven hundred and forty-six1,000 a/one thousand [a只用于一个数字的开头, 后面有百位数时要用one]1,100 one thousand ,one hundred5,647 five thousand ,six hundred and forty-seven10,000 ten thousand100,000 a/one hundred thousand1,000,000 a/one million100,000,000 a/one hundred million563,032,406 five hundred and sixty-three million ,thirty-two thousand ,four hundred and six[and只放在百与后面的数之间]十亿[英]a/one thousand million [美]a/one billion百亿[英]ten thousand million [美]ten billion千亿[英]one hundred thousand million [美]one hundred billion万亿[英]one billion [美]one trillion2、分数Fractions1/2 a/one half1/3 a/one third1/4 a quarter[onefourth]1/5 a/one fifth2/3 two thirds9/10 nine tenths10% ten per cent5‰five per mill3、小数Decimals0.7 nought[zero]point seven ;point sever0.02 point nought two356.409 three hundred and fifty-six point four nought nineo.5% decimal five percent4、数学式Mathematic forms9+3=12 nine plus three equals twelve8+2=10 eight and two are ten7+0=7 seven and nought is equal to seven20+14+56=90 twenty,fourteen and fifty-six added together are make ninety13-5=8 thirteen min
