2022中国国际消费品博览会外籍人员参会须知 2022中国国际消费品博览会吉祥物( 二 )

(II) Each time you enter the venue, you must hold a 48-hour negative nucleic acid test physical report. Please do the nucleic acid test in advance according to the time of your entry into the venue;
 ?。ㄈ┱够崞诩淙膛宕骺谡郑ㄒ接猛饪萍耙陨戏阑ぜ侗鹂谡郑?nbsp;, 保持安全距离 , 建议自备多个口罩,每4小时更换一次;
(III) Wear masks (surgical masks or above) throughout the expo and keep a safe social distance. It is recommended to bring several masks and put on a new one every 4 hours;
 ?。ㄋ模┱蛊冢?月26日-30日)可凭证件在消博会注册和证件管理中心门口等核酸采样点接受一次免费核酸检测服务 。
(IV) During the expo (July 26-30), you can enjoy one-time free nucleic acid testing service at nucleic acid sampling points, such as the entrance of the Registration Center.
 ?。ㄎ澹┤缬腥魏我晌? ,请致电4008-413-413 。
(V) If you have any questions, please call 4008-413-413 or (0898) 6865-7170