学习知识|出租车英语怎么说,出租车的英语单词( 三 )

You had better take a taxi or you will be late.
你还是坐计程车走吧 , 否则你要迟到了 。

You need to take a taxi.
你需要乘出租车 。
“乘出租车”英文怎么说? take a taxi.
I don't want to take a taxi. It's expensive.
我不想坐出租汽车 , 太贵了 。
We have little time, so we should take a taxi instead of waiting for the bus.
我们没有什么时间了 , 还是叫一辆出租车 , 别等公共汽车了 。
You had better take a taxi or you will be late.
你还是坐计程车走吧 , 否则你要迟到了 。
You need to take a taxi.
你需要乘出租车 。
