They spend time with their friends in helping the disabled. (他们花时间跟他们的朋友们一起去帮助残疾人 。 )
6.关于种树或者种花的英语作文,要写出种植过程Spring is here, it's warm, it's the best ti me to plant trees. In March, our teachers will let us go to plant trees, we will bring with us some small trees to the place to plant trees. First, we dig a hole on the ground, then there will be some soil on the ground, we shall use the soil later on. Then, we put the tree in the hole and fil l the hole with soil Later on, we water the tree and the soil in the hole. At last, we need to to put and stand the small trunk around the tree, in this way the small try caan stand up to wind. 。

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