“为什么冬季容易情绪低落”上热搜,原来冬天也需要预防抑郁……( 二 )

季节性情绪紊乱在北方气候地区更常见 , 北方冬季的白天都很短 。该症状的女性患者多于男性 , 而且更易发生在40岁以下人群中 。
【“为什么冬季容易情绪低落”上热搜,原来冬天也需要预防抑郁……】如果季节性抑郁已经给你带来了严重的心理痛苦和功能损伤 , 应该及时寻求专业帮助和治疗 。当你的抑郁情绪尚属正常范围 , 达不到诊断标准 , 可参考以下建议来缓解抑郁情绪:
1、多晒太阳 , 尤其是在早上 。即使工位不在窗边 , 也每天找时间去窗边坐一会儿 。


Although any amount of outdoor light can help raise serotonin levels, getting light in the morning seems to offer the most benefit.
尽管任何数量的户外光线都有助于提升血清素水平 , 但在清晨享受阳光似乎效果最佳 。
If the weather permits, take a walk. In your home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south.
如果天气条件允许 ,多外出散步 。在家里和办公室 ,尽量坐在朝南的窗户旁边 。
Replacing light bulbs in your home with full spectrum light bulbs can help because they emit light similar to sunlight.
把家里的电灯泡换成全光谱灯泡会大有益处 , 因为全光谱灯泡发出的光和太阳光相似 。


2、多运动 。上班族可利用午休时间 , 到户外在空气新鲜、阳光充足的地方散步和倒走 。
Studies have shown that upping your exercise routine can counteract SAD. Exercise raises levels of serotonin and also increases levels of endorphins, which are responsible for “runner’s high” and have been shown to fight depression.
研究表明 , 平时多运动可以避免患上季节性情感障碍 。因为运动可以提升血清素和内啡肽水平 , 两者都能使人产生“跑步者的愉悦感” , 并已得到证实可以对抗抑郁症 。
Moderate exercise such as walking, riding a stationary bike, or swimming is a great way to get started. But any activities that raise your heart rate, including daily chores, can help, especially if you can do them outdoors or near a sunny window. Yoga, jogging and Tai chi can all help lift your mood.
适度的运动 , 如散步、骑固定自行车或游泳是一个很好的开始 。但任何能提高心率的活动 , 包括日常琐事 , 都会有所帮助 , 尤其是在户外或阳光明媚的窗户附近 。瑜伽、慢跑和太极都能帮助你提升心情 。
3、多摄入富含维生素D的食物如鸡蛋黄、豆浆、蘑菇、奶酪、动物肝脏、脱脂牛奶和海产品(如鳟鱼、鲭鱼、金枪鱼、鳗鱼)等 。
Vitamin D is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine(chemicals associated with depression), so researchers concluded that a link between low vitamin D levels and depression was logical. The Vitamin D Council recommends 2,000 IU daily, but suggests taking more if you get little exposure to the sun.
维生素D对于合成血清素和多巴胺(两者都是与抑郁症有关的化学物质)不可或缺 。所以研究人员得出结论:如果维生素D水平较低 , 就会产生抑郁 , 这种解释合乎逻辑 。维生素D委员会建议每天补充2000国际单位的维生素D, 如果不常晒太阳 , 则应补充更多 。
Eat more fish. Fatty fish, such as salmon and sardines, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals found in fish, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are at increased risk for depression. Either eat more fish – at least three times a week – or take fish oil capsules to combat SAD.
